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Selectboard Meeting Minutes 02/18/04
FEBRUARY 18, 2004

Selectboard Present:    Jon LeClair, Steven Neill, Brenda Ferland

Staff Present:          David Edkins, Administrative Assistant
                        David Duquette, Superintendent of Public Works
                        Edward Smith, Police Chief
                        Robert Davis, Transfer Station Superintendent

CALL TO ORDER & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE:  Jon LeClair called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited.


Steven Neill moved to approve the Minutes of the Workshop Meeting of January 19, 2004, as printed.  Seconded by Brenda Ferland.  All in favor, so voted.

Mr. Neill moved to approve the Minutes of the Budget Hearing of January 19, 2004, as printed.  Seconded by Ms. Ferland.  All in favor, so voted.

Mr. Neill moved to approve the Minutes of the regular Selectboard Meeting of January 21, 2004, as printed.  Seconded by Jon LeClair.  All in favor, so voted.

PUBLIC HEARING - HISTORIC BARN APPLICATION - RAYMOND & SUSAN WEEKS:  Mr. Earl French, father of Susan Weeks, was present to represent the applicants.  As a result of the last meeting at which time this was discussed, Jon LeClair had no further questions.  Mr. Edkins advised that the Historical Society provided information on the background of the barn.  Mr. Neill feels that the barn meets all the criteria to qualify.  Mr. French said his daughter made arrangements to have the two overhead doors replaced in the spring.  There was no public comment.

Steve Neill moved to accept a Discretionary Preservation Easement on the barn and to reduce the assessment on the structure by 65%.  Seconded by Brenda Ferland.  All in favor, so voted.  

Jon LeClair closed the Public Hearing at 7:08 P.M.  

Buildings:  Ron LeClair reported that the voting booths have been stored at the Transfer Station but there isn’t sufficient room for them in that location.  This year the handicapped booth was found to be missing and a new one had to be built.  He asked for permission from the Selectboard to meet with the various organizations that store items under the Town Hall and clean up the area so there will be room to store the voting booths there.  He will build a platform to keep them off the floor.  The Selectboard agreed to have Mr. LeClair take on this project.

Police Department:  Chief Ed Smith advised that things are pretty quiet now.  He noted that there is a purchase order for tires before the Selectboard for approval.  Brenda Ferland asked the Chief to try to find out when the court system ended in Charlestown and why it was closed, as there is a Bill pending in the state legislature regarding the court system.  Ron LeClair felt the Charlestown court was closed about 1985 or 1986.  

Highway Department:  David Duquette noted that a Petition was received a short time ago from some residents on the Hillview Circle requesting streetlights and he took a phone call on it today.  He recommended turning this matter over to the Highway Advisory Board for a recommendation.  Mr. Edkins advised that most streetlights are put on existing telephone poles and the Town pays a rental fee and for the electricity but in that development all the lines are underground so it will be necessary to install poles, making it an expensive project.   Mr. Neill had some communication with other people from that neighborhood who do not support this request.  Granite State Electric serves this section of Town.

Steve Neill moved to table making a decision until after the Town Meeting to see if the budget is approved and then deal with the Petition for streetlights.  Seconded by Jon LeClair.  All in favor, so voted.

Mr. Neill recommended that this be kept on the continuing agenda.       

Mr. Duquette distributed copies of his 2004 Priority List.  He would like to get the paving bids out by April 1st providing the budget is approved.  He would like to put the bids out for Sweeping by March 1st because the companies set up their schedules early as other towns put out their requests early.  After the sweeping he wants to begin cleaning the drain basins and to have the striping done before Memorial Day.  Permits need to be obtained before they can do the ditching.  The Wetlands Permit Roadside Ditching list was reviewed; the permits are good for five years.  Everything on the list might not get done this year.  Spring is close so he wants to get the crew up to the South Hemlock Road.  To get a bid there has to be a certain amount of reclaiming; he mentioned about a mile on the Unity Stage Road and the small portion on the hill on the South Hemlock Road.  There are also seven culverts that need to be replaced.  Some roads need reconstruction as they are too far-gone so they need to be torn-up and re-built.  Mr. Duquette proposed putting all the roads on the list out for bid and then pick-and-choose after the prices have been received.  Mr. Neill wanted to be sure that the sidewalk on Sullivan Street will be done, as it is critical for the safety of the children.  Mr. Duquette was aware of this and felt that everything should fall into place.   There was a consensus of the Selectboard that they will not approve anything until the proposed budget is approved.  Mr. Edkins recommended that Mr. Duquette get everything ready to put the bid packages together but to wait until after Town Meeting before sending them out.  Mr. Neill felt that Mr. Duquette could get the submittals in for the permits.  

For the last two weeks the Highway Department has been working on the equipment, pushing snow banks back and taking care of frozen culverts.  They are in pretty good shape.  Mr. Duquette distributed data on winter sand and salt costs and usage going back to 1993.  Next year he will have data for the gravel usage.   Mr. Neill has heard concerns regarding the amount of excessive salt on the roads especially in terms of the run-off.  It was quite heavy on the Old Claremont Road and Hemlock Road.  We still want to get the job done but maybe try to be more conservative.  Basically people are happy with the condition of the roads.  Mr. Duquette said they have been adjusting the sanders to spread it out rather than putting it in the center of the road.  The roads are now clear of snow quicker.          

Water/Wastewater Departments:  The 2003 Water/Wastewater Overview for Charlestown and North Charlestown was distributed by Mr. Duquette.  A lot of data has been compiled especially from 1998 to the present time.  He is working toward getting numbers on the water usage and how much is being billed out but more meters need to be installed on the Town-owned buildings and other work done before this can be accomplished.  Both Departments have been cleaning, painting, getting ready to do the Consumer Confidence Report and lining up projects for 2004.                 
There was no public comment.

Route 12:  Brenda Ferland provided the following up-date on the Route 12 state project.  The Governor’s Plan eliminated the Route 12 project from the Ten Year Highway Plan but the Legislature’s Public Works and Highway Committee decided to go with the Governor’s Commission on Highways’ Plan as it was closer to the original Ten Year Highway Plan that we started with last year.  Then they added so that the red listed bridges are back in the plan as they were also eliminated by the Governor’s Plan.  At this point the Route 12 project is back on the list.  That is the plan that is now before the House and will then go before the Senate.  Brenda Ferland will follow this as it moves along.

Accident Reports:  Cliff Stark asked about the recent developments in the House regarding the reporting of accidents while operating the municipality’s vehicles; it affects the operators’ insurance.  Brenda Ferland responded that unfortunately highway workers aren’t exempt when driving a municipal vehicle.  The law does exempt fire, ambulance and police personnel.  As of now highway workers aren’t exempt even when the accident is not their fault.  Brenda Ferland will discuss this with the NH Municipal Association to see why this happened.

December Storm:  Upon being questioned by Steve Neill, Dave Duquette responded that the Town is eligible for reimbursement and he has filled out the first forms relative to the December 6, 7 and 8th snow storm disaster.  The data has been compiled.  Overtime hours for Saturday and Sunday and the equipment will be eligible.  This needs to be submitted by March 20th.  We have over $8,000 just in materials and about 70 hours per man during that storm.  Police Chief Smith will check on over-time for police coverage as it covers reimbursement for emergency services.            

FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATION - Payroll, Purchase Orders, Vouchers, Warrants, Abatements, Etc.:  The Payroll voucher for the period ending February 14th, 2004, was signed by the Selectboard.

Purchase Orders:  The Selectboard reviewed and approved the following Purchase Orders:  1)
Highway Department - B & B Chain for the loader $952.50; 2) Police Department - Aztec Tire $455.95; 3) Water Department - Gurney Bros. for the frozen line on North Hemlock Road over Old Clay Brook $2,315.00.  Dave Duquette reported that this was for the service line; they had two excavators on-site.

Abatement:  Abatements in the amount of $5,145.68 for the Ambulance Service were approved.  

The Selectboard approved two Abatements for the Town of Charlestown:  1) for the Normand Beaudry land that was deeded to the Town for a road in the amount of $87.77 and 2) for the Parkhurst land in the amount of $425.00.  This property was taken by Tax Collector’s Deed.  These will clean up the books for the Town Clerk.  

Notice of Intent to Cut:  The Selectboard approved a Notice of Intent to Cut Wood or Timber on the Borough Road.

Contract:   The contract from Cartographic Associates for the first installment of work on the tax maps was received.  This is contingent upon the approval of the budget at the Town Meeting.  Dave Edkins explained that the first phase is to do the aerial photos and that must be scheduled within a tight time frame in the spring.     

There were no Appointments, Permits, Licenses, and Resolutions at this meeting.

Charlestown Historical Society:  A letter was received from Joyce Higgins of the Charlestown Historical Society relative to the 1994 Warrant Article to appoint a Heritage Commission.  The Selectboard appointed the Heritage Commission members but they never actually met.  The Historical Society believes that this Heritage Commission is important and necessary to the Charlestown National Register of Historical Places district and requests that this Commission be reactivated.  To reactivate this Commission, Mrs. Higgins contacted members previously appointed but they do not wish to continue.  The following residents have expressed an interest in being appointed to this Commission - Barbara Jones, Wesley VanVelsor, Joyce Higgins, Martha Mortenson, and Jeff Lessels.  Jon LeClair read the 1994 Warrant Article No. 21.  Dave Edkins noted that the Heritage Commission would be similar to the Conservation Commission but rather than having an interest in preserving natural resources it is preserving historical, architectural and cultural resources.  

Brenda Ferland asked what the Commission’s authority would be under the RSA noted as she doesn’t want another governing body telling the Selectboard what to do with the buildings in town.  Dave Edkins will provide a copy of that statute.  After Town Meeting there is usually a posted list of vacancies in the various municipal offices and Dave Edkins suggested that this Commission be included on the list.  Steve Neill felt there needs to be some research done first.  He noted the recent sale of a house on Main Street to be converted into a veterinarian office.  Brenda Ferland felt that in a privately owned home a person should be allowed to do what they want to - sell it or tear it down.  We can’t go around asking the taxpayers to buy up every old home in town because some people want to preserve them.  Police Chief Smith commented on Bellows Falls and what the Historic District has done to that village.       

Solid Waste Facility:  Robert Davis came into the meeting.  He and Dave Edkins have been looking at contracts and tipping fees.  The proposed Mt. Carberry Landfill contract was submitted to the Town’s attorney and they received a lengthy letter back recommending a number of changes.  Bob Davis and Dave Edkins sent a letter to the District outlining some of the changes and they are waiting for a response.  Bob Davis is cleaning out the barn.  Other than that things are okay.  

Women’s Club:  The Women’s Club had asked the Selectboard to accept the proposed street poles for decorative flags.  Since that time they came up with a proposal to put lighting on them.  Jon LeClair expressed reservations, as this will probably cost about $3,700 a year to run them for six hours a night.  Dave Edkins understands that the Women’s Club still wants to proceed with the poles but a few businessmen think they can raise the additional monies for the lights.  Steve Neill said the extra money for the electricity is not in the budget so this is subject to discussion in the future.  

Adelphia Cable:  A letter has been received from Adelphia Cable advising that the rates are going up on April 1st, 2004.          

Towing Bill:  A car that was left on the street was towed.  The owner sent the bill to the Selectboard but there was a consensus to send it back to the owner with an explanation as to why the vehicle was towed.

Green Mountain Glass:  Green Mountain Glass did some restoration work for the Library.  Steve Neill recommended that a “thank you” letter be written as they donated a substantial piece of work to the Town and that a copy of the letter be printed in the “Our Town” paper.  Dave Edkins advised that Pat Royce is doing the letter, as she was the contact person.     

Conservation Commission - Jon LeClair:  Jon LeClair reported that the Conservation Commission did not meet last month.

CEDA - Brenda Ferland:  Brenda Ferland advised that CEDA cancelled their last meeting but there will be another one next week.

Planning Board - Steve Neill:  Steve Neill advised that the Planning Board met last night and took the following action:  1) gave approval for a sign permit at 187 Main Street; 2) gave approval to the Pickul and JETTCO Group five lot subdivision on the Old Springfield and Hammond Roads; and 3) gave final approval with conditions to the St. Pierre, Inc. excavation project on the Jeffrey Road.  The Planning Board dealt with a request for a rehearing on the approval of the meeting before for St. Pierre.  Dave Edkins put together a response to the points made by five or six people from North Charlestown.  Steve Neill made a motion to reject the rehearing and it was unanimously voted to deny the request.

Solid Waste Committee - Jon LeClair:  There have been no Solid Waste Committee meetings since the last report.

Vacation Time:  With the permission of the Selectboard, Dave Edkins would like to take some vacation time from March 22nd through 26th, 2004.  It was approved by the Selectboard.  

NON-PUBLIC SESSION (if necessary) - RSA 91-A:3 II:

Steve Neill moved to enter into a non-public session to discuss personnel matters pursuant to RSA 91-A:3 II (a).  Jon LeClair seconded the motion and, on a roll call with all in favor, the motion carried.  The time was 8:28 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,
Regina Borden                           Approved,

                                                        Jon B. LeClair

                                                        Steven A. Neill

                                                        Brenda L. Ferland

(Note:  These are unapproved minutes.  Corrections, if necessary, may be found in the minutes of the March 3rd, 2004, meeting.)